Architectural Control


Section 2.1 Appointment. 

The Declarant shall designate   and appoint   an Architectural   Control Committee (the “Committee”) composed of three (3) individuals, each generally familiar with the   residential   and community   development design matters and knowledgeable about the Declarant’s concern for a high level of taste and design standards on the Property. The Committee shall   use its   best efforts to promote and ensure a high level of taste, design, quality, harmony and conformity throughout the Property consistent with this Declaration.

Section 2.2 Successors.

In the event of the death, resignation or removal by the Declarant of any member of the Committee, the remaining members shall appoint a successor member.  In default of such appointment, the Declarant shall have   full          authority    to   designate              and   appoint a   successor. No member of the Committee shall be entitled to compensation for or be liable for claims, causes of action or   damages arising out of services performed pursuant to this   Declaration.

Section   2.3       Authority.          

No   landscaping shall be undertaken and no building, fence, wall or   other   structure shall   be commenced, erected, placed, maintained   or altered on any lot, nor shall any exterior painting of, exterior addition to, or alteration of such items be made until all plans and specifications and a plot plan have been submitted to and approved in writing by a majority of the members of the Committee as to all of the following:

(A)         Quality of workmanship and materials, adequacy of site dimensions, adequacy of structural design and proper facing of main elevation with respect to nearby streets;

(B)          Conformity and harmony of the external design, color, type and appearance of exterior surfaces   and   landscaping in relation to the various parts of the proposed improvements and in   relation   to improvements   on other   lots on the Property; and

(C)          The other standards set forth within this Declaration (and any amendments hereto) or matters in which the Committee has been   vested   with the   authority   to   render   a final    interpretation       and decision.

The Committee is authorized and empowered to consider and review any and all aspects of construction and landscaping which may, in        the reasonable   opinion   of the   Committee, adversely affect the living enjoyment of one or more   lot owners   or   the   general   value   of   lots   on the Property.

In considering the harmony of external design between existing structures and   the   proposed   building   being   erected, placed or altered, the Committee shall consider only the general appearance of the proposed building as that   can be determine from front, rear   and side elevations on the plans that are submitted to the Committee.

Section 2.4         Procedure for Approval.

Final plans   and specifications shall be submitted in   duplicate   by certified mail or actually delivered   to   the Committee   at   the   address of the Declarant that is shown on the signature page of this Declaration. The plans   and specifications   shall show   the nature, kind, shape, height, materials and location of all landscaping and improvements.               The documents shall specify any requested variance from the setback lines and any other requirement   set   forth   in the Declaration.

The Committee is authorized to request the submission of samples of proposed construction materials. At such time as the plans and specifications meet the approval of the Committee, one complete set of plans and specifications will be retained by the Committee and the other complete set of plans shall be marked “Approved” signed by a majority of the Committee         and returned   to   the   lot owner or   his   designated representative.

If disapproved by the Committee, one set of such plans shall be returned marked “Disapproved” and shall be accompanied   by a written statement that sets forth the reasons for disapproval, which statement shall be signed by a majority of the Committee. Any modifications of   the   approved set   of plans and specifications must again   be submitted   to the Committee for its approval.

The Committee’s   approval   or disapproval, as   required   herein, shall   be in writing. In no event shall the Committee give   verbal   approval   of any plans. If   the Committee fails to approve or disapprove such plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after the date of submission, written approval of the matters submitted shall not be required   and compliance with this   Article   Two shall be deemed to have been completed. In case   of   a dispute about whether the Committee responded   within such time period, the person submitting the plans shall have the   burden of   establishing         that        the   Committee               received               the   plans. The Committee's receipt of the plans may be established by a signed certified mail   receipt   or a signed delivery receipt.

Section 2.5         Standards.

The Committee shalt have sole discretion with respect to taste, design and all standards that   are specified herein. One objective of the Committee is to prevent unusual, radical, curious, odd, bizarre, peculiar or irregular   structures   from   being built   on the Property. The   Committee   shall   also   have  the   authority to  require minimum  7-12  foot  roof   slope,  to  specify that chimney flues be covered with brick or masonry or wood,  to prohibit  the  use  of  light-weight  composition  roof material, to  require  that  the  colors  of  roofing  materials  be   earth tones, to require the use of anodized aluminum divided light windows, and generally to require that any plans meet the standards of the  existing  improvements  on  neighboring  lots. The Committee may from time to time publish and promulgate bulletins regarding architectural standards, which shall be fair, reasonable and uniformly applied and shall carry forward   the spirit and intention of this Declaration.

Section 2.6         Termination; Continuation.        

The Committee appointed by the Declarant shall cease to exist on the earlier   of   the   following: (A) the date on which all the members of the Committee file a document declaring the termination of the Committee, or (B) the date on which residences have been constructed on all lots on the Property. Notwithstanding the above provision, at any time after the termination of the Committee, the Association, acting by the affirmative vote   of   two-thirds (2/3)   of   the   members   present and voting at a meeting of the members of the   Association called for such purpose, shall have the authority to have a committee selected by the Board of Directors of the Association to continue the functions of   the Committee.   Variations from the standards that   are   set   forth   in   this   Declaration shall be made in accordance with the general development standards as reflected in the plans, construction materials, landscaping and other matters approved by the Committee or Association   committee during their periods of control.

Section 2. 7        Liability   of Committee.

The members   of the Committee shall have no liability for decisions that are made by the Committee so long as   such decisions are made   in good   faith   and are not arbitrary   or capricious. Any errors in or omissions  from  the  plans  submitted  to  the  Committee shall  be   the   responsibility  of  the  owner   of   the   lot   to   which the improvements relate, and  the  Committee  shall  have  no obligation to check for errors in or omissions from any such plans, or to check for  such  plans'  compliance  with  the  general provisions of this Declaration, City  codes,  state statutes  or  the  common  law,  whether   the   same   relate   to   plot lines,   building   lines,  easements  or   any other  issue. This Section 2.7 shall also apply to the members of the Association committee, if such a committee comes into existence pursuant to Section 2.6 of this   Declaration.